
Our eight classrooms are fully equipped, age-appropriate spaces that promote hands-on learning and provide children with the opportunity to develop fine and gross motor skills through exploration and creativity.

Spaces for Motor Skill Development

With dedicated indoor and outdoor play areas that are specially designed to support the development of young children, your child can explore and learn in a variety of settings.


Our fenced-in outdoor playground is a multi-surface area with dedicated playspaces for each age group. Children enjoy climbers, waterplay, sandplay, open space, multiple shaded regions, playhouse, riding toys, and a variety of outdoor equipment. Every age group has a dedicated time to play outside every day, weather permitting.



Multipurpose Room

Our large indoor Multipurpose Room is a play area that focuses on developing children’s gross motor skills. Equipped with activities that encourage both group and individual play, this space allows children of all ages to let their creative imagination flourish!

Safety and Security

The safety and security of the children in our care is the highest priority at Wee Care. Some of our safety measures include:

  • All classrooms have observation windows.
  • The facility has CCTV monitoring in all classrooms, hallways, play areas, and parking areas.
  • Doorways are secured by an electronic entry system.
  • We run regular safety and fire drills as well as current Fire Safety Inspections.
  • The building is equipped with an AED.
  • All staff members are infant and pediatric First Aid and CPR certified.
  • All staff members have been thoroughly background-checked.

Hear From Our Families

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